More CMS Reports

Gives editors a better view over the site by adding several new reports in the report section.

Project no longer maintained

More CMS Reports is a nuget package for EPiServer CMS 11. After an admin has run the scheduled job "GenerateMoreCmsReportsData" can an editor access the reports in the report center. The only currently available report lists pages, blocks and files that is not used or not accessible to site visitors. The results are grouped per content type and contains a summary of number of instances of the content type is inaccessible vs the total number of instances of the content type, e.g "EmployeeProfileCard (7 out of 12 usages inaccessible)"

It is not available on any nuget feed yet (it need more work and more reports first) but a nuget package file can be downloaded from this directory in the repository

Read more on the GitHub project page!