Privacy Policy for Stekeblads Video Uploader

Last update: 12 March 2020

Stekeblads Video Uploader connects with YouTube throught the YouTube API Services and you are not allowed to use Stekeblads Video Uploader to do anything that would break against YouTubes Terms of Service.

Stekeblads Video Uploader care about your privacy, it does not use ads, tracking or collects any information about you. However, in order to work correctly, information related to your YouTube channel is sent backwards and forwards between your computer and YouTube. Some information is also saved to your computer like program settings and your YouTube playlists to give you a better experience. This is described in more detail later in this policy under the header "Your Data".

YouTube is a third party service not related to Stekeblads Video Uploader and have a different policy about how they process your data, you can read it here. By granting the program access to your YouTube channel you give Stekeblads Video Uploader permission to share data you entered in the program with YouTube. No data will be shared with Youtube before permission has been granted.

Information about you or your YouTube channel is only between you and YouTube, Stekeblads Video Uploader do not share any data with anyone else, not even Stekeblad.

You can delete all data stored by the current copy [see section "Note" at the end] of Stekeblads Video Uploader on your computer by opening the settings window and clicking on the “CLEAR STORED DATA”-button at the bottom.

You can revoke Stekeblads Video Uploader’s permission to access your channel from and it will no longer be able access your account until you give it permission again.

Your Data

This section will attempt to give a detailed explaination on what data is sent, recieved and stored as well as where it comes from, where it is sent to and where it is stored.

Storing Data

The only location we will store data about you is on your device, specifically only in the directory where Stekeblads Video Uploader is executed. Settings and other resources is stored in a subfolder named "VideoUploader data". This is the location for all program settings, the available YouTube video categories, a list of your playlist, all created presets, etc.

Data Sent, Recieved and YouTube Actions Performed

Allmost all communication is done with YouTube and all communication with YouTube is performed via the official API. After you have logged in with YouTube the following things can happen:

Stekeblads Video Uploader implements, since version 1.4.0, an updater. The updater checks for updates against on startup and notifies the user if a newer version is available. This request does not contain any information about you. If an update is available The user is informed about the update and if they accept an automatic update then the latest version of Stekeblads Video Uploader will be downloaded from the project's release page on No information about you or your YouTube channel is included in the requests to Their privacy policy can be found here.

Stekeblads Video Uploader also contains links out to different pages that is handled by your default web browser, none of this links contain additional tracking elements or other data that is not required in order to show the correct page. This includes links to the official wiki and project page on, a link to this privacy policy on, (about country and language codes, localize categories window) and links to all videos that finnished uploading to YouTube.


Stekeblads Video Uploader is a portable program, that means it saves its configuration and other needed files in the same directory as the program file. This makes it possible to have multiple copies for different channels with separate presets and settings that wont affect each other. It also means that it is never "installed", wont show up in a list of installed programs and do not have an uninstall option.